Can You Spot the Zombies?

Grace and Main Fellowship hosted a youth retreat earlier this year that was designed to present young adults with a serious question about what it means truly to live, while wrapping the whole question in a fun and thrilling game. The retreat was called, “How Not to Be the Living Dead.”

When the youth arrived, they were informed that zombies had arisen and that the youth group was the last hope for Danville. Armed with pool noodles and toy guns, they set out on an adventure over three days to defend and reclaim Danville from the Zombies (people from Grace and Main and other volunteers). Check out the promo video that we shot:

The weekend’s Bible study centered around Jesus’ story of the Good Samaritan. In our first session, we asked the question: “Can you spot the ‘zombies’ in the story?” We talked about how the priest and the Levite were like the living dead, seemingly not able to see or care about those in need. In the additional sessions, we talked about what Christian life really looks like and how we can avoid being people who don’t care or don’t see.

Just as the game’s story began to talk about a “cure” for the zombies, we engaged the youth in an extended service project downtown to benefit the hungry in the neighborhood. The youth understood the point: the cure for apathy is action, and the cure for living death is following Jesus.