Update – January 2021
Trying Something New
We’re trying something new with our monthly newsletter. Over the last year, we’ve heard from a lot of you that you’d like to see some other kinds of updates in addition to our regular stories. We’ll still be sharing new stories too if that’s what you like, but we want to try something new to make sure everyone is included and that you’re getting a clear picture of life in our little community.
On the months that we do these types of updates instead of a new story, we may share a few announcements of things coming up or things that we’re celebrating.
Every year, we share a whole year’s worth of data about what we’ve been doing in what we call our “Key Victories” sheet. Many of you have asked to see those numbers more often than once a year so you can be up to date on what we’re doing and what your generosity is helping to make happen. So, we’ll be offering some of those numbers occasionally in our monthly updates, but you should expect the numbers to be a little behind current since it takes us some time to calculate them and this newsletter comes out on the 1st!
A lot of you have also asked to see more pictures from our work. We’re always very careful about pictures because our work prioritizes the dignity and agency of our community members and there are so many ways to share pictures poorly. But we always make sure to get permission to take and share pictures and we’re careful about when and where we allow pictures to be taken. So, we’ll also be sharing some of our pictures (including those taken by a variety of community members, some of whom have quite the talent for photography!).
Finally, each year we share a handful of prayers (such as a Christmas and New Years prayer) that are born in our community. Some of you have asked for prayers that either you can use in your own times of personal or communal prayer or that you can use to pray alongside the community from wherever you are. So, we’ll be including a prayer or two as well.
Of course, we’ll also share links to a handful of previous stories at the end of these new types of updates for those who prefer the stories or who are looking for something to read.
Thanks for your patience as we try this new way of updating you. Please let us know what you think!

We want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We’re praying that 2021 will be a year that brings peace and stability.

December 2020: 569 nights of shelter
YTD 2020: 5,018 nights of shelter

In November, we provided pastoral care and spiritual direction 244 times lasting 82.7 hours. That brings our yearly total of instances of pastoral care and spiritual direction to 1,468 times lasting 571.3 hours.

In November, we provided 192 rides lasting 36.58 hours. That brought our year to date total to 1,297 rides lasting 343.67 hours. These rides include things like trips to the doctor, pharmacy, grocery store, and work. Of course, since March, these rides have been masked and involved temperature checks and extra safety precautions.

Picture of this year’s outdoor version of the Chrismon Tree at partner congregation, Ascension Lutheran. Photo by Tommy.

Picture of sidewalk chalk found in the neighborhood. Photo by Tommy.
A Short Prayer for Those who are Anxious about the New Year
O Creator God,
who became human and joined us in our beautiful, sin-marred world;
give our anxious minds rest as we look back at the year that has past with weariness and forward to the year that awaits with uncertainty,
in order that we might see the good and beautiful that you are growing and nourishing in our midst.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen
Some Stories Worth Rereading
In March of this year, I wrote about how we share much, much more than just food and time with the folks that make up our community. It’s a story called “Already Theirs.” It was helpful to me to reread it after ten months of COVID protocols!
In May of 2019, Jessica wrote a story called “The World’s Tallest Okra” about one of our dear friends, Marcus, who was a strong leader in our Urban Farm and who passed away. It reminds me of all the many people who have poured their time and life into our community and who we remember so, so fondly.