Update – April 2021
We had a new story last month (read it here), but here’s another of our other kind of update. In this one you’ll see some data form our recent work, some pictures, a prayer for the amplification of our love, and links to a couple of stories that are on our minds recently.
We’ve been so thankful for the proliferation of folks getting vaccinated and have even seen times when those vaccines have made it possible for some of us to gather in small groups again outside and safely. We continue to make sure that folks are getting vaccinated in our neighborhoods and encourage you to get the vaccine when you’re able.

In February 2021, we provided 190 meals through grocery bags, subsidies, the Urban Farm, meal pickups and dropoffs, and a few other methods. Our total number of meals provided through the end of February was 406.

In March 2021, we provided 503 nights of shelter through our network of housing resources including hospitality spaces, rent/utility subsidies, and a few other methods. That brings our total nights of shelter provided so far in 2021 to 1,508.

In February, we provided pastoral care and spiritual direction 157 times lasting 65.4 hours. That brings our total of instances of pastoral care and spiritual direction in 2021 up to February to 353 times lasting 148.7 hours.

In February, we provided 167 rides and spent 26.83 hours personally giving rides. That brought our total for 2021 up to February to 326 rides with 53.98 hours personally giving rides. These rides include trips to the doctor, pharmacy, grocery store, and work.

A COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic some of us worked at. This picture was taken just prior to the event that vaccinated a couple thousand people.

Most of a recent donation of tools from donors and partners including a new mower, a wood chipper, a pole saw, and a tiller. We are very thankful and eager to put them all to work.
A Short Prayer for the Amplification of Our Love
O Lord of All Creation,
who knows and love all creatures great and small with an unfathomable devotion;
grow your love in us for all the myriad parts of your creation that cross our paths every day, especially for our enemies and those whom the world would teach us to hate or deride;
in order that we might grow in maturity to reflect your divine and unquenchable love for all.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Some Stories Worth Rereading
In November of 2018, I wrote a story called “Better Plans” about a Grace and Main leader who was experiencing homelessness when we first met him and who gave eight dollars to a brother because maybe he had “better plans” for it than he did.
In September of 2016, Louise wrote a story called “The Ground is Rich.” Louise spent a summer working with us and wrote a piece for a local magazine about what she had learned. We loved having her around and hope to see here again soon.