Update – January 2022
At the time you’re reading this, we’ve collectively walked into a new calendar year and are still making our way through Christmas. I’ll be spending a few days with family in Michigan before coming back and getting back to work on some of the new and exciting things coming in 2022. One of the first things I’ll do this month is finalizing all of our data from 2021 and making sure we’ve got an accurate count of everything we’ve accomplished in the year we’ve just finished. Then we’ll send out letters to all of you who have donated in 2021 to make that work possible.
After celebrating what has past, we’ll set out mind and heart toward continuing to expand our housing work in the year we’ve just started. This is a year we look forward to new homes, new renovations, and more people in safe, stable, affordable shelter. We’ll find new ways to celebrate the good work we’re able to do together and we’ll continue to pray that the days ahead will include shared meals, much laughter, and new reasons to celebrate.
As always, I welcome your questions and thoughts. Please feel free to reach out and, if you find yourself encouraged by what we’re working on and want to see if continue and grow, consider becoming a supporter.
Grace and Peace,

In November 2021, we provided 285 meals through grocery bags, subsidies, the Urban Farm, meal pickups and dropoffs, and a few other methods. This brings our yearly total up to the end of November to 3,896 meals.

In November 2021, we provided 423 nights of shelter through our network of housing resources including hospitality spaces, rent/utility subsidies, and a few other methods. That brings our year-to-date total to 4,960 nights of shelter.

In November 2021, we provided pastoral care and spiritual direction 211 times lasting 82 hours. This brings our yearly total up to the end of November to 2,914 sessions lasting 1,114 hours.

In November 2021, we provided 207 rides and spent 12.9 hours personally giving rides. These rides include trips to the doctor, pharmacy, grocery store, and work. This brings out yearly total up to the end of November to 2,490 rides with 319.9 hours personally giving rides.

Josh visiting with the members of sister community Poplar Place in Lancaster, PA

Watching the Christmas parade line up from the porch of a hospitality house
A Short Prayer for a New Year
O God who made our sun and all the other stars and cast them into the universe in their courses, and who finally created humans who remain measured by the movement of creation;
fill us with hope for the new year and inspire us to act in love in myriad small ways alongside our sisters and brothers whom you have created and whom you love;
in order that your creation might thrum with the rhythm not only of starlight but also of your deep and unconditional love.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
A Quote to Contemplate
Wendell Berry said, “I believe that the world was created and approved by love, that it subsists, coheres, and endures by love, and that, insofar as it is redeemable, it can be redeemed only by love.”