Update – May 2022

From Grace and Main
There’s change on the horizon and we’re excited for it. But, honestly, isn’t there always some kind of change on the horizon? Usually we don’t see it coming and it simply invites itself into our lives, good or bad. But the change that I have my eyes set on is a next step that is welcomed for so many good reasons.
After more than twelve years as the director of Grace and Main Fellowship and Third Chance Ministries, I’m going to be stepping into a new role. But, blessedly for me, I’m not going anywhere and will continue to be involved in the life and work of Grace and Main and Third Chance. But I am going to have a professional change. Starting June 1, I will be the Senior Program Officer at the Danville Regional Foundation that focuses on grassroots and asset-based community development, community engagement, and housing grants.
In the months to come, there will be changes in how we do what we do and who does various things in our community. But we remain committed to providing hospitality, sharing life and resources, and cultivating community in our neighborhoods and lives. Have some patience with us as we figure out the transition, but have faith that this job change doesn’t mean any lesser commitment to our vocation of shared life and community. I will continue in a part-time capacity to oversee administration for a while and to shepherd this transition forward so that our good work continues.
If you have any questions, let me know.
Grace and Peace,

In March 2022, we provided 148 meals through grocery bags, subsidies, the Urban Farm, meal pickups and dropoffs, and a few other methods. This brings our yearly total up to the end of March to 502 meals.

In March 2022, we provided 591 nights of shelter through our network of housing resources including hospitality spaces, rent/utility subsidies, and a few other methods. That brings our up to the end of March to 1,503 nights of shelter.

In March 2022, we provided pastoral care and social support 258 times lasting more than 101 hours. This brings our yearly total up to the end of March to 785 sessions lasting more than 312 hours.

In March 2022, we provided 297 rides and spent more than 25 hours personally giving rides. These rides include trips to the doctor, pharmacy, grocery store, and work. This brings out yearly total up to the end of March to 869 rides with more than 69 hours personally giving rides.

Jessica speaking about her and Grace and Main’s work at Mt Hermon Baptist Church in Moseley, VA

Community cat, Booboo, taking a well deserved snooze in a hospitality house
A Short Prayer for Next Steps
O God who knows how many hairs rest on each of our heads not because it matters, but because of your deep and abiding love for each and every one of us;
give us peace in times of transition and guide our steps and thoughts always toward you;
in order that we might multiply and echo your unquenchable love to the world we call our home.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
A Quote to Contemplate
Kallistos Ware wrote, “It is not the task of Christianity to provide easy answers to every question, but to make us progressively aware of a mystery. God is not so much the object of our knowledge as the cause of our wonder.”