Our 2019 Annual Report
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This month’s newsletter consists of selections from our Annual Report for 2019. We usually share a story with you from our work in this newsletter,
but we want to make sure all of our supporters can see this report if they would like to.
It is my pleasure to offer this report to you on the work of Grace and Main Fellowship and Third Chance Ministries in the calendar year 2019. In addition to being the year that we celebrated our tenth anniversary as a community, 2019 was also one of our best years overall. We provided the most nights of shelter in one year that we’ve ever done, we raised more money to support our work than in any previous year, we found new ways to provide transportation to those in need, we published the second edition of our prayer book, and we developed new metrics to study our collective impact in all this and more. Oh, I also finished my doctoral studies this year!
But, at its heart, 2019 was a year of rededicating ourselves to a few core pieces of our shared work and to each other. As we continue in the eleventh year of our lives and work together, our minds have inevitably turned to what the years ahead may look like. As always, there are ideas bubbling through the community and you may learn of some of them in the coming weeks, months, and years, but there is also a great desire to deepen our own intentionality. That is to say, to continue to rededicate ourselves to life and work together with people experiencing things like homelessness, housing instability, poverty, addiction, hunger, and discrimination. This likely means continuing to do the things that we do best and to continue to focus on depth and impact over breadth and visibility.
I am proud of the good, hard work we’ve done this year. I certainly hope you are, as well. We’ve been through quite a bit to get to this good place and I’m excited to see where God is leading in the months and years to come. I know that one place God is leading me is into sabbatical. After ten years of work, I have a short sabbatical that begins on February 14 and will give me time and space to rest, read, reflect, and write (among a few other things). I appreciate your prayers, encouragement, and consistent support as I take this time. As I’m sure you can imagine, I’m looking forward to it.
Again, thank you so much for your ongoing support of our work. Our lives are fuller for your involvement in them.
You can see the full report here.

Please consider making a donation to support our continued work at: bit.ly/3CMdonate.