Update – July 2021

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Some Updates from Grace and Main

Sometimes, it feels like things are starting to open up a little more, like when we’re able to eat together in a small group of vaccinated folks or when I have a conversation with someone on the porch and don’t worry about the lack of masks. Other times, it feels like there’s still a long way to go, like when we’re registering people to get a vaccine or having yet another Zoom meeting. Regardless, God is still faithful and our work continues even if sometimes looks different. Blessedly, it doesn’t always look different. We’re still providing of nights of shelter and meals, rides and listening ears. Sure, maybe we have to be a little more creative, but there is still good work worth doing.

As always, I welcome your questions and thoughts. Please feel free to reach out and, if you find yourself encouraged by what we’re working on and want to see if continue and grow, consider becoming a supporter.

Grace and Peace,

In May 2021, we provided 402 meals through grocery bags, subsidies, the Urban Farm, meal pickups and dropoffs, and a few other methods. This brings our yearly total up to the end of May to 1,490 meals.

In June 2021, we provided 390 nights of shelter through our network of housing resources including hospitality spaces, rent/utility subsidies, and a few other methods. That brings our year-to-date total to 2,668 nights of shelter.

In May 2021, we provided pastoral care and spiritual direction 216 times lasting 92.5 hours. This brings our yearly total up to the end of May to 1,106 sessions lasting 446.9 hours.

In May 2021, we provided 219 rides and spent 37 hours personally giving rides.  These rides include trips to the doctor, pharmacy, grocery store, and work. This brings out yearly total up to the end of May to 930 rides with 151.3 hours personally giving rides.

A Short Prayer for Summer

O God of lightning bugs, oceans, breezes, and cicadas,
who filled the world with seasons and weather that punctuate the million moments that make up our lives;
move in our lives and days and remind us in the summer to give thanks of the cycle of our lives and even its ever-imminent changes;
in order that we might find our rest in you and be secure in your love regardless of the season.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Some Stories Worth Rereading

In December of 2016, I wrote a story called “Father’s Love” about what it’s like to be a father of a well-loved daughter in community.

In January of 2016, I wrote a story called “Chef Alex’s Table” about a lovingly prepared meal by a member of the community with a chef’s training and a neighbor’s love.